Financial Support for open access scientific publication at CHUV / FBM-UNIL / Unisanté

Your institution (CHUV / FBM-UNIL / Unisanté) provides you with partial or full financial support for your Open Access publications. These include Read&Publish (R&P) agreements with a number of traditional and Open Access scientific publishers, direct agreements and the UNIL Gold Fund.

General terms and conditions

  1. 1. The corresponding author must be affiliated CHUV /FBM-UNIL/Unisanté
  2. 2. Your affiliation is correct in your article (see UNIL guideline 4.3 for CHUV (p.2-3) and UNIL (p.1) and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté) and on journal platforms.
  3. 3. Your journal of interest is included in the DOAJ or Read and Publish lists (below), and
  4. 4. You meet the eligibility criteria for Gold Open Access licenses, R&P licenses or the GOLD Open Access UNIL fund (detailed criteria for each publisher concerned).
Head of Open Access CHUV/FBM-UNIL
Sandrine Pernier
Tél. +41 (0)79 556 45 38; Mail

Agreements summary by publisher

  • Annual Reviews
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Hybrid 100% 8 reviews at Annual Reviews
    • Review paper
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • BMC Springer Open
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Gold 15% All titles by Springer Open  et Biomed Central
    • All types of articles
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • BMJ case report

    UNIL offers an Institutional Fellowships that allows all teaching members, medical staff and students to submit as many cases, as well as access to and reuse of all the published material at no cost. The fellowship costs 522$ once for the corresponding author. The Article Processing Charge costs 499£ per article. The first article of the year costs approx. 1000 chf (one-off fellowship and one APC). Any upcoming article will cost 499£ for a returning corresponding author.

    Contact us to get the institutional code waives  for individuals submitting.

  • Cambridge University Press
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Gold OA & hybrid 100% Title list covered by the agreement
    • Research Articles
    • Review Articles
    • Rapid Communication
    • Brief Reports
    • Case Reports
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • Elsevier
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Gold and Hybrid Elsevier, Cell Press, Lancet journals, Society journals 100% Title list covered by the agreement
    • Full-lenght article
    • Case report
    • Microarticle
    • Practice guidlines
    • Protocol
    • Review article
    • Replication studies
    • Short communication
    • Short survey
    • Video article
  • Frontiers
    To ensure free APCs, it is imperative not to have a SNSF grant to this research. At the acceptance date, EVEN IF THERE IS QUOTA LEFT, you will receive an invoice. DO NOT PAY THE INVOICE. As long as there is quota left, the invoice will be take in charge by our services.

    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Annual quota Ongoing Gold OA 100% All titles
    • All types of articles
  • Karger
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Gold OA & hybrid 100% Title list covered by the agreement
    • All types of articles
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Annual national quota Ongoing Hybrid 100% Title list covered by the agreement
    • All types of articles
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • MDPI
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Gold OA 20%  All journals at MDPI
    • All types of articles
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • Nature Branded Springer- Quota reached
    The quota of 86 articles for 2024 is reached. There is no more financial support on Open Access publication in those journals.
    Cancellation of the Open Access licence after validation of the article is not accepted. Nature Branded Hybrid Journals APCs cost at least 9’500 EUR (see the list). If you choose to publish in Open Access (this is not Gold publication even if they call it Gold) make sure that your funders can cover the costs or you will have to pay it by yourself (aka your service or lab).

    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Annual quota REACHED Ongoing Hybrid NONE Title list covered by the agreement
    • Original Paper
    • Analysis
    • Article
    • Letter
    • Brief Communication
    • Registered Report
    • Resource
    • Technical Report
    • Corresponding Auteur·e UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
  • Oxford University Press (OUP) - Gold
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Gold OA 10% All the Fully Open Access titles
    • Research article
    • Review article
    • Brief report
    • Case report
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • Oxford University Press (OUP) - Hybrid
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Hybrid 100% in the Full Collection OUP Title list covered by the agreement
    • Research article
    • Review article
    • Brief report
    • Case report
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • PLoS Journals
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Gold OA 100% Title list covered by the agreement
    • All types of articles
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • SAGE
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Unlimited Ongoing Hybrid & Gold OA 100% Title list covered by the agreement
    • All types of articles
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • Springer Compact
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Annual national quota Ongoing Hybrid 100% Title list covered by the agreement
    • Original Paper
    • Review Paper
    • Brief Communication
    • Continuing Education
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See details
  • Taylor & Francis
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    2024 : 702 articles 2024-2027
    • Open Select Journals (hybrid)
    • Open/Full Gold OA Journals (Gold)
    • Dove Press (Gold)
    • F1000 Research platform (Gold)
    100% Title list covered by the agreements Definitions of T&F article types can be found at the bottom of the page. Only RA types are covered by our agreements.

    • Article Commentary
    • Brief Report
    • Case Report
    • Data Note
    • Discussion
    • Dissertation
    • Method
    • Note
    • Plain Language Summary
    • Rapid Communication
    • Reply
    • Report
    • Research Article
    • Research Letter
    • Review Article
    More details below
  • Wiley
    Quota Validity Journal type Discount Titles Paper’s type Requirements
    Annual quota Ongoing Hybrid 100% Title list covered by the agreement
    • Original Article
    • Review Article
    • Corresponding Author UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
    • See Details

1. UNIL Gold Open Access Fund

You can only apply to this fund while publishing in Gold Open Access journals (for journals that publish only Open Access content) and if your costs are not covered by other types of external grants (e.g. NSF) or certain Read&Publish licenses.

Conditions of eligibility
  • Corresponding Author at UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté.
  • Authors who do not have access to an external funding source that can cover this type of cost (e.g. NSF, EC, Wellcome Trust, Bill & Melinda Gates, etc.).
  • All types of articles, chapters and books/monographs are eligible.
  • Gold Open Access publication. Please note: Hybrid OA (optional OA in a journal that also publishes subscription articles) is not supported by this fund. Check to see if your journal is in the DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals), the reference database that lists Gold Open Access journals that meet required quality criteria. Gold OA publications in journals not listed in will be considered on a case-by-case basis.
  • Publication fees of less than CHF 2500 (excl. VAT) for articles (partial payment not possible – articles with higher publication fees are not eligible) and CHF 5000 (excl. VAT) for chapters and books (partial payment possible). Please note: additional costs such as color charges or per-page charges are not covered by this fund.
  • Please make sure to select the CC BY license in order to have maximum rights on your article.
    • For articles, the Gold OA Fund follows the international standard and requires a CC-BY license. A CC-BY-NC licence may be accepted provided that a justified request is made to the fund administration
    • For books and book chapters, we recommend using the CC-BY license, but CC-BY-NC-ND licenses are accepted.
Procedure after paper acceptance

If you are eligible, please fill in the following form only after your paper has been accepted and upload the UNPAID invoice from the publisher via the same form.  UNIL will then pay the publisher directly but cannot process refunds of invoices already paid.

For BMC /Springer Open, MDPI, and SAGE please ensure that partial reimbursement has been applied to your invoice before submitting it to the UNIL Gold Open Access Fund which will complete the reimbursement.

2. Agreements with Gold Open Access journals – Full coverage of APCs

  • Frontiers Journals

    To ensure free APCs, it is imperative not to have a SNSF grant to this research. At the acceptance date, EVEN IF THERE IS QUOTA LEFT, you will receive an invoice. DO NOT PAY THE INVOICE. As long as there is quota left, the invoice will be take in charge by our services.

    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100%
    Titles included All titles
    Limitations UNIL annual quota
    Types of papers eligible All types of article
    Types of distribution licences Licence CC BY 4.0
    Procedures to be followed To ensure free APCs, it is imperative not to have a SNSF grant to this research. At the acceptance date, EVEN IF THERE IS QUOTA LEFT, you will receive an invoice. DO NOT PAY THE INVOICE. As long as there is quota left, the invoice will be take in charge by our services.
  • PLoS Journals

    UNIL participates in the funding packages offered to institutions, “PLOS Flat Fee”,“Global Equity“ and PLOS “Community Action”.

    Thanks to these three new agreements, UNIL/CHUV/Unisanté FBM corresponding authors have the opportunity to publish their accepted articles free of charge.

    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100%
    Titles included
    Limitations No limitations
    Types of papers eligible All type of articles
    Types of licence Licence CC BY 4.0
    Procedures to be followed To ensure free APCs, it is imperative to follow the instructions to authors below when submitting the manuscript on the journal platform:

      • Instructions
        For PLOS ONE, PLOS Computational Biology, PLOS Pathogens, PLOS Neglected Tropical Diseases, PLOS Genetics, PLOS Digital Health, PLOS Water, PLOS Climate and PLOS Global Public Health,
      • Instructions
        for PLOS Biology, PLOS Medicine and PLOS Sustainability & Transformation

3. Agreements with Gold Open Access journals – partial coverage of APC fees

  • BMC Springer Open
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 15%
    Title included All titles from Springer Open  et Biomed Central
    Limitations No limitations
    Type of papers eligible All type of articles
    Licence Licence CC BY 4.0
    Procedures to be followed Follow the Guidelines for authors and indicate your affiliation to University of Lausanne upon the submission to benefit from the discount on your APCs.

    This discount will be applied automatically in the BMC and Springer Open journal portal if you are properly affiliated and identified as a UNIL or CHUV author on the publisher site upon submission of your paper.

  • MDPI
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 20%
    Title included All titles from MDPI
    Limitations No limitations
    Type of papers eligible All type of articles
    Licence Licence CC BY 4.0
    Procedures to be followed This discount will be applied automatically by MDPI if you are properly affiliated and identified as a UNIL or CHUV author on the publisher site upon submission of your paper.

4. Read and Publish license with hybrid journals – full APC coverage

  • Annual Reviews

    Pilot project aimed at flipping subscription journals to fully Open Access journals. In 2020, 5 journals at Annual Reviews  will be completely opened with no APCs to be paid by authors:

    • Annual Review of Cancer Biology
    • Annual Review of Environment and Resources
    • Annual Review of Nuclear and Particle Science
    • Annual Review of Political Science
    • Annual Review of Public Health
    • Annual Review of Biomedical Engineering
    • Annual Review of Genomics and Human Genetics
    • Annual Review of Virology

    More information Selecte your title and follow the instructions.

  • Cambridge University Press - CUP
    Validity 2024-2026

    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100%
    Title included Title list included in the agreement
    Limitations No limitations
    Type of papers eligible
    • Research Articles
    • Review Articles
    • Rapid Communication
    • Brief Reports
    • Case Reports
    Licence Licences CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-NC 4.0 or CC BY-NC-ND 4.0 or CC BY-NC-SA 4.0.

    Select preferentially the licence  CC BY 4.0

    Procedures to be followed Follow the UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté that specify the way researchers from UNIL and CHUV should declare their institutional affiliation within publications and scientific communications.

    Please refer to the Information for Authors on the CUP’s website.

  • Elsevier
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100%
    Title included List of titles included
    Limitations No limitation
    Type of papers eligible
    • Full-lenght article
    • Case report
    • Microarticle
    • Practice guidlines
    • Protocol
    • Review article
    • Replication studies
    • Short communication
    • Short survey
    • Video article
    Licence de distribution Select preferentially the licence  CC BY 4.0
    Procedures to be followed

    Follow the UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté that specify the way researchers from UNIL and CHUV should declare their institutional affiliation within publications and scientific communications.


  • Karger
    Procedures to be followed
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100%
    Title included Restricted list of Gold Open Access and Hybrid journals
    Limitations No limitations
    Type of papers eligible All paper types
    Licence Select preferentially the licence  CC BY 4.0
    Follow the UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté that specify the way researchers from UNIL and CHUV should declare their institutional affiliation within publications and scientific communications.

    Please refer to the Information for Authors on the Karger’s website.

  • Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW)
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100%
    Title included Restricted list of Lippincott Williams & Wilkins (LWW) hybrid journals
    Limitations Annual quota of 261 article for 2024

    Upon the quota is reached, the publication invoice will be sent directly to the author.

    Type of papers eligible
    • Research articles (case reports included)
    • Reviews
    Licence Licences proposed CC BY 4.0 ou CC BY-NC-ND 4.0
    Select preferentially the licence  CC BY 4.0
    Procedures to be followed

    Follow the UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté that specify the way researchers from UNIL and CHUV should declare their institutional affiliation within publications and scientific communications.

    Please follow the instructions in the following video on how to apply for Open Access funding via the RightsLink platform (the link will be provided by the journal once your article is accepted for publication).

  • Nature Branded - Springer - Quota reached
    Validity 2023-2025
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discount 100%
    Titles Title list covered by the agreement
    Limitations Swiss annual quota – 86 article for 2024
    Type of papers eligible
    • Original Paper
    • Brief Communication
    • Continuing education
    Licence Licences CC BY 4.0 or CC BY-NC 4.0.
    Sélectionner de préférence la licence  CC BY 4.0
    Cancellation of the Open Access licence after validation of the article is not accepted by Springer Nature. If you choose to publish in Open Access, please keep in mind that a Nature Branded Hybrid Journals APC costs at least 9’500 EUR. Make sure that your funders can cover the costs or you will have to pay by yourself (aka your service or lab).
    Procedure to be followed

    Follow the UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté that specify the way researchers from UNIL and CHUV should declare their institutional affiliation within publications and scientific communications.

    Please follow the Nature branded instructions For author on their website.

  • Oxford University Press
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100% in hybrid journals from the OUP Full Collection
    10% in Gold OA journals
    Title included Hybride title list
    OUP_Journals_Titlelist_2024_GOLD_pour le site>Fully Open Access title list
    Limitations Swiss annual quota. 304 articles for 2024
    Type of papers eligible
    • Research article
    • Review article
    • Brief report
    • Case report
    Distribution licence Licences proposed CC BY 4.0 ou CC BY-NC 4.0

    Select preferentially the licence  CC BY 4.0

    Procedure to follow Follow the UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté that specify the way researchers from UNIL and CHUV should declare their institutional affiliation within publications and scientific communications.
  • SAGE
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100%
    Title included Title list covered by the agreement
    Limitations No limitations
    Type of papers eligible All types of article

    Licences proposed CC BY 4.0 ou CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

    Select preferentially the licence  CC BY 4.0

    Procedures to be followed

    Follow the UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté that specify the way researchers from UNIL and CHUV should declare their institutional affiliation within publications and scientific communications.

    Please follow the instructions in the Information for authors  on the publisher’s website.

  • Springer Compact
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100%
    Title included The Spinger compact collection included hybrid journals except the Nature Branded journals (see the Nature Branded agreement). See the title list covered by the agreement.
    Limitations Swiss annual quota. 1566 article for 2024

    Should the number of papers exceed this quota, the publication invoice will be sent directly to the author.

    Type of papers eligible
    • Original Paper-Standard article, usually presenting new results; articles published under this artiele type may also be referred to as Original Research,  Original Article,  Original Paper or Research Paper.
    • Review Paper-  Standard article, interpreting previously published results.
    • Brief Communication –  Short article submitted tor rapid publication that exhibits the same structure as a standard artiele.
    • Continuing Education-Article forming integral part of further education (usually medical).
    Licences Licences CC BY 4.0
    Procedures to be followed Follow the UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté that specify the way researchers from UNIL and CHUV should declare their institutional affiliation within publications and scientific communications.
    Be sure to consult this guide in order to benefit from the coverage of your APCs under these national agreements.

    It is imperative to select the Open Access channel as soon as the manuscript is accepted (“MyPublication” form) as a retrospective request for publication in Open Access is impossible.

  • Taylor and Francis
    Validity 2024-2027
    Quota 2024 : 702 articles ; 2025 : 716 articles ; 2026 : 730 articles ; 2027 : 745 articles
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté) on the article and the publisher platform
    Discount 100%
    Titles included List of titles covered by the agreements
    Journal types
    • Open Select Journals (hybrid)
    • Open/Full Gold OA Journals (Gold)
    • Dove Press (Gold)
    • F1000 Research platform (Gold)
    Article types included Definitions of T&F article types can be found at the bottom of the page. Only RA types are covered by our agreements.

    • Article Commentary
    • Brief Report
    • Case Report
    • Data Note
    • Discussion
    • Dissertation
    • Method
    • Note
    • Plain Language Summary
    • Rapid Communication
    • Reply
    • Report
    • Research Article
    • Research Letter
    • Review Article
    Eligible date for acceptance The acceptance date
    Licence Open CC BY 4.0 offred by default
    Procedure The identification of the authors/the membership of an institution benefiting from the agreement is done on the e-mail address (;; and on the recognition of the IP address of the institution. More information on the submission workflow here and here
  • Wiley
    Conditions Corresponding author affiliated at the University of Lausanne, the Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) or Center for Primary Care and Public Health (Unisanté)
    Discounts 100%
    Title included Restricted list of hybrid journals
    Limitations Please note:  The number of articles accepted is subject to a national quota. Should the number of papers exceed this quota, the publication invoice will be sent directly to the author.
    This agreement is valid for articles accepted after May 1, 2021.
    Type of papers eligible
    • All primary research and review articles.
    • Other article types e.g. letters, editorials etc. are excluded
    Licence de distribution Licences proposed: CC BY 4.0CC BY-NC 4.0 ou CC BY-NC-ND 4.0

    Select preferentially the licence  CC BY 4.0

    Procedures to be followed

    Follow the UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV and Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté that specify the way researchers from UNIL and CHUV should declare their institutional affiliation within publications and scientific communications.

    Be sure to consult the Author workflow guidance  from the publisher.

5. Libellus : Practical support for Book publishing

The FBM has established a Book Publishing Support Office to support members of its community who wish to publish a book.
This service is called Libellus and works closely with the BiUM Open Access team.
Libellus can support you and help you from the beginning of your publication project to its final promotion.
Feel free to contact them directly.

Updated: 09.07.2024