Science Integrity: a case of fraud sanctioned by SNSF
Following various accusations of plagiarism in three different books financed by the SNSF, an investigation was carried out and confirmed the plagiarism. The author was sanctioned by the funding institution.
On 2 April, in a press release, the SNSF announced that it had applied the appropriate sanctions against the author who committed the plagiarism.
The SNSF revoked the funding for the three books involved and the author must return the amount of the subside they have recieved. This person will not be allowed to apply for a grant for the five next years. This decision is not yet legally in force.
The medical library (BiUM) offers training courses on these topics (science intergrity, plagiarism,…) and assistance during the publication process. Please do not hesitate to contact us:. ;
The CHUV and the FBM place scientific integrity in the heart of their activity. If you suspect a fraud or have any questions, please contact the ombudsperson, Pr Christian Kern.