OA funding – 2024 quotas reached: OUP, Springer Compact and UNIL Gold Fund
Quotas for covering Open Access Charges (APC) for hybrid journals from Oxford University Press (OUP) and Springer Nature (Springer Compact license), included in the agreements between UNIL and these 2 publishers, have been reached for 2024.
For articles accepted after the end of the quotas (list of OUP titles, list of SC titles) and until 31.12.2024, publication costs are now to be paid by CHUV/FBM UNIL/Unisanté authors.
For articles published in Pure Gold journals, referenced in the DOAJ and not covered by a Read and Publish agreement, the UNIL Open Access Gold Fund (FGOA) no longer pays any invoice, although the submission system is still available.
Is it still possible to submit articles and benefit from APC funding?
For hybrid journals, your article must be accepted in 2025 to benefit from the agreements and their new annual quota.
For Pure Gold journals, you will be able to submit your funding request only for articles accepted in 2025 and according to the new criteria which will be communicated in January 2025.
What should I do if I receive a funding refusal due to a quota exceeding for a recently accepted article?
Contact the BiUM Open Access team, who will advise you on the alternatives available.
Contact: open.access@chuv.ch