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The team

Muaamar Al-Gobari

Literature searching, systematic reviews, training

+41 21 314 53 65

Thomas Brauchli

MeSH indexing

Monday afternoon

+41 21 314 73 91

Jolanda Elmers

Vice-director, head of training, literature searching, systematic reviews

+41 21 314 73 98

Patrick Furrer


+41 21 314 50 83

Tristan Girard

Head of desk & spaces

+41 21 314 50 71

Sylvie Godel

Interlibrary loans, communication

+41 21 314 52 82

Raphaël Grolimund

Training, literature searching, systematic reviews

+41 21 317 14 68

Caroline Hofer

Collections & licences

Tuesday and Friday PM

+41 21 314 73 91

Cécile Jaques

Head of literature searching, systematic reviews, training

+41 21 314 73 90

Véronique Joris

Collection & licences
Responsible for interlibrary loans
Head of IPA and CURML libraries

+41 21 314 74 05

Doris Maurières

Administrative assistance

Wednesday afternoon

+41 21 314 53 63

Anne Morin

Head of collections & licences

+41 21 314 50 77

Jenny Panziera

Open science, SERVAL/IRIS support

Sabrina Peretti

Desk & spaces

+41 21 314 52 82

Sandrine Pernier

Head of Open Science, support for researchers

+41 79 556 45 38

Alexandre Racine

Library system administration, EndNote and Zotero support, webmaster

+41 21 314 50 74

Joëlle Rosselet

Head of BiUM-Cery
Training, Literature searching, systematic reviews

+41 21 314 18 22

Jérôme Zbinden

Head of Information Systems of the Library

+41 21 314 50 84

The Medical Library

Lausanne University Medical Library

Clinical Medicine
Public Health

Finding us: Chemin des Falaises 2, Lausanne
Writing us: Bibliothèque universitaire de médecine, Bugnon 46, CH-1011 Lausanne
Phone: + 41 21 314 50 82


Patrick Furrer

Other contacts

Interlibrary loan:

Opening hours

Monday - Friday: 8am - 10pm
Saturday - Sunday: 9am - 9pm


Other CHUV & FBM libraries

Lausanne University Medical Library - Cery

Psychiatry and Mental Health

Site de Cery - Albatros - Bâtiment 11A Route de Cery 11 - 1008 Prilly
Tél : +41 21 314 18 22


Joëlle Rosselet

Other contacts
Opening hours

Access by appointment

Library of the University Center of Legal Medicine

Legal Medicine

Vulliette 4 - 1000 Lausanne 25
Phone : +41 21 314 70 82


Véronique Joris

Other contacts
Opening hours

The library is not open to the general public

Library of the Institute of Pathology


Bugnon, 25 - 1011 Lausanne


Véronique Joris

Other contacts
Opening hours

The library is not open to the general public

Library of the Institute of History of Medecine and Public Health

History of Medicine

Avenue de Provence 82 - CH-1007 Lausanne
Phone : +41 21 314 70 52


Magdalena Czartoryjska Meier

Other contacts
Opening hours

Tuesday - Friday : 8.30am to 4.30pm

Unisanté - Documentation and Data Unit

Public Health, Occupational Health

Route de Berne 113, 1010 Lausanne
Phone : +41 21 314 72 75


Aline Sager

Other contacts
Opening hours

Monday - Friday : 9am to 12am / 2pm to 5 pm
