Guidelines to publish an open access article and to benefit from partial or total funding by UNIL

Step1. Before submitting your article to the journal

Corresponding author identifies him/herself as affiliated to the University of Lausanne or

Lausanne University Hospital

For your affiliation in the article please adhere strictly:

to UNIL guideline 4.3 for UNIL/CHUV

to Unisanté_affiliation for Unisanté

Choose your journal of interest and check in the publishers list below if this journal is eligible for funding. For extra information about eligibility criteria and quota visit Our Webpage or contact us


Step2. Submission of your article on the publisher site

UNIL/CHUV author identification

at article submission stage

1. Use your computer while connected to the CHUV/UNIL institutional network (VPN or Desktop computer) − automatic IP recognition.

2. Use your official UNIL or CHUV e-mail address

3. Select your institution UNIL or CHUV from the dropdown list if requested by the journal.

4. Use our membership account number if requested (contact us)

If the journal benefits Open Access funding via Read&Publish agreement or UNIL subsides

follow step3 .

If not, the author’s manuscript or the publisher’s PDF (if authorized by the journal) should be

deposited and made freely available on Serval in parallel to its commercial publication

on the publisher’s site.

Step3. Acceptance of your article on the publisher site
Log In/Register with Author Services Once accepted, register or log in to author service and follow the journal specific guidelines to manage your Article
Confirm your Affiliation(s) Enter your institutional affiliation(s) or confirm the affiliation(s) you entered during submission
Select the Open Access option Once you’ve confirmed your affiliation(s) and funder(s), select the gold open access option if your article is covered by a Swiss or an Institutional agreement.
Select open access licence

If available select preferentially the less restrictive open licence according to the following order

1- CC BY licence

2-CC BY NC licence

3-CC BY NC ND licence

Once your eligibility has been verified by our service, UNIL will cover the Article Publication Charge

– Read& Publish licence: no additional action is nedeed from your side and our service will cover your payment directly on the publisher site.


Gold Open Access fund UNIL for Pure Gold OA journal in the DOAJ: make sure to fill in the form on the UNIL plateform and to send the UNPAID invoice from the publisher via the same form.


Updated: 29.05.2024