Library’s areas: access and description

The Library’s spaces are primarily intended for the academic community of the Faculty of Biology and Medicine (FBM) and for CHUV employees. Some areas are reserved for CHUV badge holders only.

Subject to availability, the Library is open to anyone wishing to use its services. Information can be obtained at the reception or by phone.

The rules of access to the areas and all the conditions of use are specified in the library rules (french content).

  • Workspaces

    To ensure a welcoming and hygienic environment it is not allowed to eat or drink, with the exception of drinks in closed containers.

    288 workplaces on 3 levels.

    Level E2, Marie Feyler area – Silent work area

      • 115 workplaces
      • Access can be limited to CHUV badge holders only during busy periods, particularly during revision weeks
      • Silent area, for study purposes only. Users must limit noise as much as possible.


    Level E1 – Quiet work area

      • 108 workplaces
      • Quiet area, mainly dedicated to studying. Various services are present on this floor: collections, training room, group work rooms
      • 8 workplaces distributed in 3 group work rooms available upon reservation for FBM students (2nd year and later). Conversations are allowed in these rooms
      • 16 places in the training room, available when the room is not booked (please ask the welcome desk). Quiet area


    Level -0 – Multi-purpose area

      • 41 workplaces (including 5 computer workstations)
      • Low-voice exchanges allowed with respect for nearby users
  • Lab work rooms

    Located on the ground floor of the library, these three rooms have a total capacity of 120 places, and are sometimes available during revision periods to study in a quiet environment. Subject to availability, indicated on the doors. These rooms are not managed by the library, which cannot respond to requests for access or reservations.

    For safety reasons, food and drink are not permitted, even in closed containers.

  • Interactive map
Updated: 09.09.2024

In order to borrow items from the library, you need to register for a library card. This card is personal and non-transferable. It can be obtained in any member library of the Renouvaud network, after registration online or directly on site.

You can fill out the pre-registration form and then validate the registration at the library in order to receive your library card.

The UNIL Campus Card can be used as a Renouvaud Card. Students enrolled in UNIL are automatically registered in the Renouvaud network.

Cards with the Bibliopass logo are also valid, but a registration of the card and the reader’s contact details must be made on the first loan.

Requirements for registration

People aged 14 years or over who belong to one of the following categories may register free of charge (except special conditions) in one of the network’s libraries :

  • Persons residing in Switzerland
  • Students, faculty and other staff of the UNIL, EPFL, Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences
  • Students of other universities with partnership with the UNIL or EPFL
  • Swiss citizens living abroad
  • Persons living abroad, who are working in the Canton de Vaud

An identity document is required at registration (the badge for CHUV employees).

Loans and extensions

The lending period is 28 days, renewable four times. To do this, please log into your account using the barcode number on the back of your Renouvaud or Unil card.


Updated: 29.06.2021
Document delivery and Interlibrary Loan

Ordering scientific articles and requesting a loan from another library is a service for anyone working or studying in the field of health and medicine.


  • CHUV staff members, UNIL-FBM (including IUFRS) students and doctoral students, FBM teaching staff (“corps enseignant”)
  • Individuals living in the Canton de Vaud can make an order for personal use
  • In both cases, the request must relate to a professional or study need

Interlibrary loan

Documents from libraries in the Renouvaud network (BCU, CIO, IDHEAP, etc.) must be borrowed directly from the libraries to which they belong. Only CHUV employees can order documents from the Renouvaud network through our service.
Documents that are not in the BiUM collections or in the libraries mentioned above can be ordered from other libraries.

Order form

All orders have to be placed through our interlibrary loan system, through the OpenILLink form or sent by email:

Article : if you know the PMID article number, available at Pubmed, please use this number to fill the form.  
Books : if you know the ISBN record number, please use this number to complete the form.

Expected delivery time

Delivery time and conditions depend on the lending library (loan conditions, availability of the document …). Copies of articles are sent by email allowing to shorten the delivery time (count from 1 to 3 days if the article comes from a Swiss library). Regarding books, an availability notice will be sent to you when the requested item has arrived at the CHUV library. It remains available at our welcome desk until the due date of the loan set by the lending library (mentioned in the notice of availability), when it must imperatively be returned.


This service is free of charge for CHUV employees, UNIL and IUFRS FBM students and doctoral students and FBM teaching staff.

External pricing
(these charges must be paid to the BiUM desk)
Articles Books and theses from Switzerland
Other UNIL students and UNIL PhD students CHF 5. – CHF 5. –
Individual persons CHF 8. – CHF 8. –


Updated: 06.11.2024 | contact
Literature research

The library offers literature research training and help on a one-to-one basis. Please check our dedicated page (in French).

Updated: 07.11.2016
Booking group study rooms

FBM students (starting from 2nd year) can reserve group study rooms (a minimum number of participants is required). Reservations are done from or the Affluences mobile app and are only available 7 days beforehand.

Book a group study room
All library users are also free to use these rooms when they are not occupied. However, if someone has booked the room, the space must be left for them.

Box 1 Box 2 Box 3
3 seats 3 seats 2 seats
at least 2 persons for a reservation at least 2 persons for a reservation at least 2 persons for a reservation
Location Location Location
Quota: 4h/week par person
1 screen (HDMI)
Bookings are available for FBM students only


  • Maximum 4h week, per person.
  • Reservations can be done maximum 1 week in advance.
  • Minimum number of participants required: 2 persons
  • Furniture in the room cannot be rearranged (due to electrical wiring).
  • In case of no-show after 30 minutes the reservation may be cancelled (with loss of quota).

The Library’s training room (floor E1) cannot be booked in advance.

For larger rooms, please contact the CHUV facilities management department

Updated: 09.09.2024
Computer workstations

The Library offers 3 CHUV workstations and 6 InternetUNIL terminals on the ground floor (level -0) to search the Internet, print and use various computer applications. 1 standing CHUV workstation is available at the first floor (E1).

Updated: 09.09.2024 | contact
Internet and networks

Two free Wi-Fi are available at the library:

  • CHUV public network (“public-chuv”)
    for everyone
    quick set-up (requires to be able to receive an access code sent via SMS from a swiss number)
    10-day validity
    Does not provide automatic access to licensed resources
  • “eduroam” network
    for UNIL students, CHUV staff or anyone from an institution member of eduroam

    Connecting to eduroam:


    For CHUV (Different from the email address)
    For example with Marie Curie:

    For UNIL
    For example with Marie Curie:


    Password: usual password for your CHUV or UNIL account (same one as for your emails)

    More information available on the CHUV intranet (only available within the CHUV network) or in the UNIL documentation.

There are computers available at the BiUM :

Telephony: mobile network

Factors beyond our control such as the location of the GSM antennas and the partly underground construction of the building hamper the reception of the mobile network. More or less depending on the operators. However, some plans and mobile phones allow calls via the WiFi network.

Updated: 09.08.2023 | contact
Print and copy

Students and external users have the ability to print, copy and scan documents via the UNIL PrintUNIL printing system

CHUV employees have the ability to print, copy and scan documents via a dedicated printer equipped with the Papercut – Follow-You system (documentation in French and available only from the CHUV’s internal network)

  • You are UNIL student

    Please consult the PrintUNIL documentation on the website of the UNIL IT service.

    You can print, copy or scan with the same procedure as from any UNIL site.

    You can refill your PrintUNIL account by transferring credits from your Campuscard.

    To do this, the Campuscard must be sufficiently funded. If necessary, you can refill your Campuscard online by following the procedure described at

  • You are an external user

    You can use the PrintUNIL printers to print, copy or scan documents. You must first create a guest account by going to this page. Print credits can be purchased at the welcome desk of the library. Cash only.

    Warning: when creating a guest account, the used e-mail address must not contain an underscore (“_”).

    You can use the UNIL Internet terminals of the library to print your documents.

    Warning: it is necessary to precede your user name with “printunil\” (example: printunil\guest42) during authentication. On Mac to enter a ‘\’, press Alt + Shift + 7.

    To copy or scan, you can connect to a PrintUNIL printer and choose the “Copie” or “Lire et envoyer” option.


    Price Printing credits
    CHF. 5.- 50
    CHF. 10.- 100
    CHF. 20.- 200
    CHF. 30.- 300
    CHF. 40.- 400
    CHF. 50.- 500
  • You are a CHUV employee

    You can login (login + CHUV password) on one of the computer workstations available to CHUV employees.

    Send your documents to the “FOLLOW-YOU” printer. Then use your badge on the printer’s badge reader in order to release your documents.

    It may take a few minutes for the “FOLLOW-YOU” printer to appear. If it takes too long for you, then use an alternative method to send your document to the printer (via email or web) or contact the CHUV service desk.

Updated: 09.09.2024
Remote access to online resources

Remote access to online resources is available only for CHUV staff and UNIL students and staff. → see the documentation

As the Library of medicine is not responsible for the technical infrastructure provided for remote access, please contact the respective IT support in case of problems or difficulties with the  remote access installation:

Updated: 15.04.2021
Multimedia library

Located in the BiUM, the multimedia library contains material to meet training and teaching needs and to provide information to patients.

DVD collection

This audiovisual documentation is catalogued in Renouvaud. It includes educational films, documentary films, clinical examinations, care and maintenance methods, medical broadcasts, inaugural conferences and lectures. This collection is classified as the monographs according to the NLM classification and also indexed with MeSH vocabulary.

Here are also a selection of DVD sorted by themes, thematic selections available in the Renouvaud catalogue and the annual lists of new acquisitions.

Subject-specific catalogues are compiled for specific training courses:

Theme Links
About birth Catalogue access
Adolescence Catalogue access
Violence medicine Catalogue access
Pain Catalogue access
Epidemic, Pandemic Catalogue access
Fiction films Catalogue access

Pause Projection
Thematic screenings followed by a discussion with a guest speaker. Information on previous seasons.

Online multimedia resources 

Swiss cinema in streaming

The Artfilm platform offers more than 600 documentaries and fiction films for streaming. Access is free and unlimited with the Renouvaud card.
Connection: All connections must be established through this page with the card number and the associated password.

Updated: 17.07.2024
Purchase suggestions

Get involved in the Library’s collection development by completing the purchase suggestion form.

Updated: 07.11.2016

The library books and multimedia collections are updated with new material on a regular basis.

Updated: 26.01.2023
Teaching collection

For students in medicine, the Library has resources available on loan. To access it in the catalog, please visit the following links for the different course syllabus of the Bachelor and Master’s degree.





For students in Nursing, the Library has resources available on loan. To access it in the catalog, please visit the following link:

IUFRS Master Nursing Sciences (MScSI et MScIPS)
Master ès Sciences en sciences infirmières (MScSI)
Master ès Sciences en pratique infirmière spécialisée (MScIPS)
Updated: 27.09.2024
NLM Classification

The Library collection is thematically organized according to the National Library of Medicine (NLM) headings.

Take note in the bibliographic record, of the location name, and the NLM classification number (see screenshot), then go directly to the documents on the shelves.

Beware, if the location name mentionned in Renouvaud is different than “Bibliothèque : Collection générale” or “Bibliothèque : Collection d’enseignement”, send us an e-mail beforehand or ask the welcome desk.

NLM Code Category Link
BF Psychology
Books selection DVD selection
H Social sciences, Education
Sciences sociales, Education
Books selection
Q Science (general)
Science (général)
Books selection
QA Mathematics, Statistics
Mathématiques, Statistiques
Books selection
QC Physics
Books selection
QD Chemistry
Books selection
QH Biology
Books selection
QS Human Anatomy
Anatomie humaine
Books selection DVD selection
QS 504 – 532 Histology
Books selection
QT Physiology
Books selection DVD selection
QU Biochemistry, Nutrition
Biochimie, Nutrition
Books selection DVD selection
QV Pharmacology
Books selection DVD selection
QW Microbiology, Immunology
Microbiologie, Immunologie
Books selection DVD selection
QX Parasitology
Books selection
QY Clinical biology
Biologie clinique
Books selection DVD selection
QZ Pathology
Books selection DVD selection
NLM Code Category Link
W General medicine
Médecine généraleMedical Dictionaries, Biomedical Technology, Forensic Sciences
Books selection DVD selection
WA Public Health
Santé publiquePublic health, Epidemiology, Preventive health services, Preventive medicine, Occupational Medicine, Health and Hygiene, Health Administration and Organization, Environmental Pollution, Sanitation, Statistics, Surveys
Books selection DVD selection
WB Practice of Medicine
Pratique de la médecineEmergency medicine, Internal medicine, physical examination and history taking, Diagnosis
Books selection DVD selection
WC Infectious diseases, Communicable diseases
Maladies infectieuses, Maladies transmissibles
Books selection DVD selection
NLM Code Category Link
WE Musculoskeletal System
Système musculo-squelettique
Books selection DVD selection
WF Respiratory System
Système respiratoire
Books selection DVD selection
WG Cardiovascular System
Système cardiovasculaire
Books selection DVD selection
WH Hemic and Lymphatic System
Hématologie, Système lymphatique
Books selection DVD selection
WI Digestive System
Système digestif
Books selection DVD selection
WJ Urogenital System
Système urogenital
Books selection DVD selection
WK Endocrine System
Système endocrinien
Books selection DVD selection
WL Nervous System, Neurology
Système nerveux, Neurologie
Books selection DVD selection
WM Psychiatry
Books selection DVD selection
WN Radiology, Diagnostic Imaging
Books selection DVD selection
WO Surgery, Anesthesiology
Chirurgie, Anesthésiologie
Books selection DVD selection
WP Gynecology
Books selection DVD selection
WQ Obstetrics
Books selection DVD selection
WR Dermatology
Books selection DVD selection
WS Pediatrics
Books selection DVD selection
WT Geriatrics
Books selection DVD selection
WU Maxillofacial surgery
Chirurgie maxillo-faciale
Books selection
WV Otolaryngology
Books selection DVD selection
WW Ophtalmology
Books selection DVD selection
WX Hospitals and other health facilities
Hôpitaux et autres établissements de santé
Books selection DVD selection
WY Nursing
Soins infirmiers
Books selection DVD selection
WZ History of Medicine. Medical writing and publishing
Histoire de la médecine. Rédaction médicale et publications
Books selection DVD selection
Updated: 20.03.2025
Essential documents by medical specialty

Here are links to selections of documents considered essential in the following specialties:

Heading Links
Dermatology books selection
Digestive system books selection
Emergency medicine / Critical care / Resuscitation books selection DVD selection
Endocrine system books selection DVD selection
Forensic medicine books selection DVD selection
Geriatrics books selection DVD selection
Gynecology / Obstetrics books selection DVD selection
Hematology books selection
History of medicine books selection DVD selection
Hospitals and Other Health Facilities DVD selection
Infectious diseases books selection DVD selection
Medicine / General practice / Ethics, medical / Bioethics books selection DVD selection
Musculoskeletal system books selection DVD selection
Nervous system / Neurology / Neurosciences books selection DVD selection
Ophthalmology books selection DVD selection
Otolaryngology / Oral surgery books selection DVD selection
Palliative medicine / Palliative care / Terminal care / Spirituality books selection DVD selection
Pediatrics books selection DVD selection
Physical examination / Signs and symptoms books selection
Psychiatry books selection DVD selection
Public health / Epidemiology books selection DVD selection
Radiology / Diagnostic imaging books selection
Respiratory system / Cardiovascular system books selection DVD selection
Surgery / Anesthesiology books selection DVD selection
Urogenital system / Nephrology books selection DVD selection
Heading Links
Biochemistry / Nutrition books selection DVD selection
Human anatomy (anatomy, embryology, histology) books selection DVD selection
Immunology / Microbiology / Virology books selection
Laboratory tests / Diagnoses books selection
Parasitology books selection
Pathology / Oncology books selection DVD selection
Pharmacology books selection DVD selection
Physiology books selection
Nursing care
books selection DVD selection
Fundamental Sciences
books selection DVD selection
Social Sciences
books selection DVD selection
Dictionaries / Encyclopedias / References
books selection
Updated: 04.08.2023