In order to borrow items from the library, you need to register for a library card. This card is personal and non-transferable. It can be obtained in any member library of the Renouvaud network, after registration online or directly on site.
You can fill out the pre-registration form and then validate the registration at the library in order to receive your library card.
The UNIL Campus Card can be used as a Renouvaud Card. Students enrolled in UNIL are automatically registered in the Renouvaud network.
Cards with the Bibliopass logo are also valid, but a registration of the card and the reader’s contact details must be made on the first loan.
Requirements for registration
People aged 14 years or over who belong to one of the following categories may register free of charge (except special conditions) in one of the network’s libraries :
- Persons residing in Switzerland
- Students, faculty and other staff of the UNIL, EPFL, Swiss Universities of Applied Sciences
- Students of other universities with partnership with the UNIL or EPFL
- Swiss citizens living abroad
- Persons living abroad, who are working in the Canton de Vaud
An identity document is required at registration (the badge for CHUV employees).
The lending period is 28 days, renewable four times. To do this, please log into your account using the barcode number on the back of your Renouvaud or Unil card.