Acquisition of a new clinical decision-making tool: DynaMed

The Library subscribed to a DynaMed (EBSCO) license for a 2 years  period, starting January 2025.

Members of the CHUV and Unisanté medical staff have now access to this ressource, which is equivalent to the UpToDate tool currently in use.

At the end of the 2 years test period, only one tool will be kept.
We encourage you to use Dynamed and UpToDate in parallel in order to evaluate and compare these two tools over an extended period.
Your opinions and participation will help us to identify the one that best meets the specific needs of the medical community.

Access is via CHUV or UNIL IP adresse recognition.
You can find more informations here about installing the mobile version and creating your personnal account.

Please send us you feedback to

Published: 27.01.2025 | contact