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An agreement reached with Taylor & Francis

A few weeks ago, a “Read and Publish” agreement was reached with Taylor & Francis.

What does this agreement allow?

It allows the authors of Swiss institutions involved a quota of 702 articles (in specific categories of articles) in 2024 to publish freely in Open Access in a title list from different publishers of the Taylor & Francis group.

Publishers included in the agreement:

  • Open full Gold OA journals
  • Open Selecte (hybrid)
  • F1000 Research (gold)
  • DovePress (Gold)

View the title list of journals involved in the Read and Publish agreement.

Article type covered by the agreement:

  • Article Commentary
  • Brief Report
  • Case Report
  • Data Note
  • Discussion
  • Dissertation
  • Method
  • Note
  • Plain Language Summary
  • Rapid Communication
  • Reply
  • Report
  • Research Article
  • Research Letter
  • Review Article

See details


Contact : bfm.licences-oa@chuv.ch

Published: 02.05.2024 | contact