Bibliothèque universitaire
de médecine
The Vancouver citation style for Zotero is available in the official repository
In February, we informed you that you could download the french Vancouver citation style for Zotero, developed by the library.
This style is now also available in the official Zotero style repository. Some adjustments have been made, so we recommend that you install the latest version by following the steps below. Once Zotero is open on your computer:
- Go to Edit > Preferences
- In the preferences, go to the Quote tab > Styles tab
- Click on the Get More Styles link
- In the window that opens, type Vancouver
- Click on the first link entitled Bibliothèque universitaire de médecine – Vancouver (French)
- The style is automatically installed in your Zotero
Please refer at any time to the french documentation on how to use the style or ask for support by contacting
Published: 03.07.2019