Bibliothèque universitaire
de médecine
UpToDate: mobile version available
The Library has negotiated an access to the mobile version of UpToDate for CHUV collaborators.
UpToDate ( is a clinical decision support tool. It covers 22 specialties and provides quick access to physician authored and peer-reviewed medical information.
To access the mobile version of UpToDate:
- Access UpToDate from a computer connected to the CHUV network (shortcut available from TRIBU)
- Click on “Register” (upper right corner of the screen)
- Create an account. A confirmation email will be sent to you
- From your mobile device (smartphone, tablet), download the UpToDate app
- From the app, connect to UpToDate® Anywhere using the newly created login and password
NB to keep your account active, you have to use it from a computer connected to the CHUV network at least once every three months (90 days).
Registration procedure (French)
Online training (upon free registration)
For any question: CHUV Library front desk, or +41 21 314 50 82
UpToDate customer service or by phone +1-781-392-2000
Published: 21.07.2017