Publication & Open Access

Definition and advantages to Open Access Scientific Publication and Research Data

Open Access (OA) means unrestricted and free of charge online access and reuse of scientific information. In the context of research, scientific information can refer to (i) peer-reviewed publications (published in scholarly journals) or (ii) research data (data underlying publications, curated data and/or raw data). Authors can apply open licenses that stipulate that their work can be freely re-used or re-distributed as long as their original contribution is appropriately credited.


  • Open Access Explained


    Video « Open Access Explained! » by Nick Shockey (SPARC) and Prof. Michael Eisen (University of California)

    Learn more about Open Access Context and Open Access Declarations

  • Advantages
    What are the advantages for researchers and the scientific community to make published works and accompanying datasets freely accessible and reusable through Open Access (OA)?

    OA & Open Data Benefits

    OA offers a full and broad access to research publications and data sets that helps (see table “Benefits to OA & Open Data).

    The authors:

    • higher diffusion and visibility of their research results
    • higher citation rate of their publications

    The scientific community:

    • build on previous research results (improvement of results quality and reproducibility)
    • foster collaboration and reduce duplications of research studies (higher efficiency)
    • accelerate innovation (scientific, technical et medical progress made faster)
    • involve citizens and society (improved transparency of the scientific process)
    Sources of information
  • Gold and Green roads

    There are three main and non-mutually exclusive roads for the Open Access of scientific publications that are supported at UNIL/CHUV: Gold Road, Green road and Read & Publish model

    • The Gold Road: the article is published in an Pur Gold Open Access journal with an open licence such as Creative Common licence.
    • The Green road or self -archiving: the accepted author manuscript is archived on the university repository (Serval at UNIL) by the researcher – or a representative – in addition to the commercial publication.
    • The hybrid model: In addition to the Green Road and the Gold Road, a hybrid business model is proposed by the majority of publishers. In this case, journals that sell subscriptions also offer authors the possibility of making their publications OA after the payment of Article Processing Charges (APCs). Due to the double dipping resulting from this situation (payment of journal subscriptions and additional APC publication fees), UNIL and funding agencies (eg. SNSF) do not support open-access publications in hybrid journals.
    • The read and publish model: a new path is currently possible with the National Read&Publish Switzerland licenses when agreements are made with publishers that cover not only newspaper subscriptions but also part of the APC fees of authors from Swiss institutions for the Open Access release of their articles.


Gold Open Access Financial Support at UNIL/CHUV

UNIL/CHUV researchers can benefit from numerous resources to finance the Author Processing Charges (APCs) necessary to provide Open Access their scientific publications following the gold path.

In the case of publications funded by a SNSF subside, the SNSF provides grants to finance scientific publications that are made available immediately in pur gold open access journals, without restriction and free of charge. Payment of processing charges can be requested directly via the OA platform of the SNSF (mySNF). For more information

Within the framework of negotiations conducted by swissuniversites at the national level with publishing houses such as Elsevier, Springer Nature and Wiley, UNIL/CHUV researchers can benefit from a new “Read & Publish” licence model which covers both access to the journals (Read) and their Open Access publication costs in the same journals (Publish).

detailed information on all agreements made :

in French 

in English

FBM/CHUV researchers who would like to have more information about the journals for which they benefit from partial or total coverage of their APC costs can contact  us.

Research & Publications Officer
Sandrine Pernier
Tél. +41 (0)79 556 45 38



Green Open Access Support at UNIL/CHUV

UNIL/CHUV institutional repository (Serval)The Directive 4.6 from Unil explain that this is an obligation to share references and pdf of research work on Serval

    it explain

  • Where should researchers working at UNIL or CHUV self-archive their documents?
  • Which kind of documents and which version of the document can be self-archived?
  • What are the copyright and licences legal aspects that the authors need to respect?
  • When can Open Access to a peer-reviewed article or book be provided?
Research & Publications  Officer Serval central support
Sandrine Pernier
Tél. +41 (0)79 556 45 38



FBM/CHUV researchers who would like to deposit and give free Open Access to their publications through the UNIL/CHUV institutional repository (Serval) can contact the BiUM publication management unit. We will provide you with guidance on how to share your publications through Serval to increase the visibility of your work and to comply with funding agencies (SNFS, H2020) policies. BiUM librarians are well aware of copyright, licenses and self-archiving rules and will help you in addressing these legal issues.


  • By guiding you: consult our tutorial on how to deposit FBM/CHUV documents to Serval.


Ask us about the use of the JISC Open Policy Finder (former Sherpa/Romeo) for legal OA deposit (copyright, versioning, embargo period) and about the article version that you may deposit on Serval in compliance with publishers’ legal requirements.

For helping you to find your Author Manuscript version use the  Direct2AAM guide, available for most major journals, that will provide you easy to follow instructions for authors to obtain your Author Accepted Manuscript from their journal submission system, where the AAM is stored during the publishing process.

Serval2 (SERveur Académique Lausannois)

Access to Serval


Why archive your publications in Serval repository ? 

i. The scientific production of UNIL & CHUV is collected in one place and is preserved safely and sustainably

  • dissemination of the information and promotion of the UNIL intellectual outputs,
  • ensure accurate, comprehensive and sustainable archiving of scientific documents,
  • a long-term archiving is guaranteed for publications with permanent URNs

ii. Deposit of publications in Serval enhances the visibility and outcome of your work

International distribution, diffusion and discoverability of Serval publications are ensured through regular harvesting by search engine (Google,…) and repositories aggregators (OpenAIRE, OpenDOAR, DART-Europe …).

iii. You can easily refer to your publications from your personal MyUnil web page

iv. Respond to Open Access directives from SNSF and H2020.

UNIL and CHUV allow researchers to self-archive their publications in “Serval” in order to meet the guideline requirements of the Swiss and European funding agencies on the obligation to making their published results openly available.

The researcher shall deposit and give free access to their published work on Serval following the legal aspects on self-archiving and OA on institutional repositories. This is the only currently possible approach for effective and legal OA deposit and to circumvent the copyright constraints set by publishers.

For additional information in French

JISC Open Policy Finder (former Sherpa/Romeo) database

Access to JISC Open Policy Finder (former Sherpa/Romeo)

Sherpa Romeo

The JISC Open Policy Finder (former Sherpa/Romeo) database provides policy details and explanations on how to figure out the publisher’s and journal’s guidelines for self-archiving and Open Access.

Publisher sharing policy

Many publishers provide a sharing policy found in the instructions for authors that allows self-archiving of published articles or final peer-reviewed manuscripts.

What to deposit?

  • Publisher’s final version of the paper: publishers rarely allow the deposit of the published article (publisher PDF) to make it OA in a repository, except if authors pay publication fees (APCs) in OA journals or hybrid journals to make their article full open access.


  • Final peer-reviewed manuscript accepted for publication, also called post-print: Often, publishers only allow the deposit and OA release of this author accepted version.

When should Open Access be provided?

Authors must ensure that the OA to the deposited publication respects the time delay (embargo period) fixed by the publisher (starting from the publication date). The embargo typically last from 6 to 48 months. The JISC Open Policy Finder (former Sherpa/Romeo) database and publishers websites provide accurate information on embargo periods.

Sources of information:


Securing Author rights

  • How to preserve the copyright of your published work?
  • How to make your publication freely available through Open Access?
  • How to allow sharing and reuse of material?
Research & Publications Officer
Sandrine Pernier



BiUM librarians are well aware of copyright and licenses legal issues and will help FBM/CHUV researchers in addressing these legal issues.


Ask us about the use of Creative Commons licences tool in order to make your document freely accessible while protecting your copyright.


When an article is accepted for publication in a journal, the publisher asks the authors for the permission to publish it. At that step, publishing contracts often force authors to sign over their copyright and to provide a copyright transfer agreement that gives publishers the full rights and control to exploit the research article. As a consequence, authors may not longer be able anymore to reuse later on some parts of the article content or to make the publication available in OA after self-archiving without asking the publishers permission.

Authors need to make sure that they can still fulfill the OA and self-archiving requirements of their funding agencies and institutions after signing this copyright. Publishing contracts should therefore be checked carefully before signing them, to make sure that self-archiving and OA in a repository are permitted.

If you wish to learn more about Opinion on OA in Swiss law, please consult the ETH Bibliothek website

In the worst case, if authors cannot reach an arrangement with the publisher for making their work openly accessible, they should inform the funding agency office and may have to consider submitting their article to another journal.

Creative Commons licenses

Access to Creative Commons 

Wanna Work Together? from Creative Commons

Creative Commons (CC) offers six different copyright licenses that condition the legal copyright terms and allow the sharing and reuse of material. CC licenses incorporate a unique and innovative “three-layer” design (Legal Code layer, Human Readable layer and Machine readable layer). Authors can easily select and use CC licenses to mark their work as freely available. The most common licence among OA publishers is CC-BY.

Creative Commons licenses

All CC licenses require that users provide attribution to the creator when the material is used and shared. The CC BY license lets others distribute, remix, tweak, and build upon a work, even commercially, as long as they credit the author for the original creation. This is the most accommodating type of licenses offered. This license is recommended for OA and an optimal dissemination and use of licensed materials. The other five licenses combine BY with one or more of three additional license elements: NonCommercial (NC), which prohibits commercial use of the material; NoDerivatives (ND), which prohibits the sharing of adaptations of the material; and ShareAlike (SA), which requires adaptations of the material to be released under the same license.


Develop a publication strategy

  • Which content, where and how to publish your results?
  • Which audience do you wish to target?
  • How to select an high quality journal?
Research & Publications Officer
Sandrine Pernier


Contact the BiUM publication management unit for criteria and additional information on journal selection.

  • Select a list of journals and reviews of interest in your research field.
  • Select the journal by taking into consideration several factors such as quality standard, reputation, impact factors, visibility and accessibility.
  • In you choose an Open access journal make sure that the journal you would like to publish in meets the criteria of scientific quality standard and doesn’t belong to a predatory publishing group. Assess the journal authenticity and quality by checking:
    • the publishers full contact details including its address
    • editorial board details
    • policy for author fees (publication costs)
    •  some of their publications
    • the peer review process
    • if the Journal is listed in a reputable directory (JCR, DOAJ, COPE and QOAM)

Ask us about UNIL/CHUV Open Access institutional memberships to get discount publication fees.

Since July 2014, UNIL has been a Supporter Member at BioMed Central, allowing UNIL / CHUV researchers to benefit from a 15% discount on publishing fees in BioMed Central, SpringerOpen and ChemistryCentral.


Ask us about bibliometric tools that take into account the ranking of journals by disciplines (InCitesTM Journal Citation Reports and Eigenfactor project).

See also several innovative tools specially tested and selected by the BiUM (Think-Check-Submit, DOAJ, Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing, HowOpenIsIt?, Quality Open Access Market, …) to help researchers assess the quality, authenticity, Openness and price of a journal.

InCitesTM Journal Citation Reports

Access to the Journal Citation Reports

The bibliometrics InCites application from Thomson Reuters provides the official journal Impact Factor and Eigenfactor Score of a journal ranked by discipline.

Journal Impact Factor:“ The journal Impact Factor (IF) is the average number of times articles from the journal published in the past two years have been cited in the JCR year. It is calculated by dividing the number of citations in the JCR year by the total number of articles published in the two previous years. An Impact Factor of 2.5 means that, on average, the articles published one or two year ago have been cited two and a half times. The citing works are from journals, proceedings, or books indexed by Web of Science. »

The 2014 impact factor of a journal would be calculated as follows:

2014 impact factor = A/B.


A = the number of times that all items published in that journal in 2012 and 2013 were cited by indexed publications during 2014.
B = the total number of citable items published by that journal in 2012 and 2013.

(Note that 2014 impact factors are actually published in 2015; they cannot be calculated until all of the 2014 publications have been processed by the indexing agency).

Principles of Transparency and Best Practice 

The Committee On Publication Ethics (COPE) has identified “principles of transparency and best practice that set apart legitimate journals and publishers from non-legitimate ones and to clarify that these principles form part of the criteria on which membership applications will be evaluated.” Access to the Principles of Transparency and Best Practice in Scholarly Publishing,

“Think. Check. Submit”




The recently launched campaign “Think. Check. Submit” provides researchers with information about the criteria they should look for when selecting a journal to publish their work. It offers check lists to make sure you choose trusted journals for your research.




The DOAJ (Directory of Open Access Journals) is an online directory that indexes and provides access to high quality, open-access, peer-reviewed journals. Launched in 2003 at Lund University in Sweden, the DOAJ contains as of today a list of more than 10’000 OA journals covering all areas of science, technology, medicine, social sciences and humanities. This directory is very helpful for researchers within the biomedical field to search for a suitable OA journal for publication.


The HowOpenIsIt?® Open Access Spectrum (OAS) guide standardizes Open Access terminology in an easily understandable, comprehensive resource created by PLOS, the Scholarly Publishing and Academic Resources Coalition (SPARC) and the Open Access Scholarly Publishers Association (OASPA). The guide defines core components of Open Access and help you to judge how Open is the journal you would like to publish in.


Quality Open Access Market


The Quality Open Access Market (QOAM) is a market place for scientific and scholarly journals which publish articles in open access. Quality scoring of the journals in QOAM is based on academic crowd sourcing; price information includes institutional licensed pricing.Quality Open Access Market


List of Predatory Publishers
List of possibly predatory journals. The base for this list was extracted from the archive of Beall’s list. It will be updated as new information or suggested edits are submitted or found by the maintainers of this site.

This list is only for individual journals. See the other list for publishers potentially engaging in predatory practices.

Find OA journals and articles

  • How to find a Open Access journal?
  • How to find a Open Access published article?
Research & Publications Officer
Sandrine Pernier


The BiUM publication management unit helps all FBM/CHUV researchers finding OA journals and articles.


Several aggregator tools have been selected by the BiUM to help researchers finding Open Access repositories where they can retrieve OA articles.
articles are currently dispersed all around the world on a multitude of repositories. In addition to Google Scholar, some authoritative directories such as CORE Discovery, Open Access Button, Unpaywall, Base, DAI, OpenAIRE Roarmap and OpenDOAR help exploring repositories Open Access journals and papers. Researchers looking for published article related to their research question need to visit each repository individually and manually search for OA articles on each of them.

CORE Discovery

CORE Discovery helps users to discover freely accessible copies of research papers. It is backed by our huge dataset of millions of full text open access papers as well as content from widely used external services beyond CORE. Discovery reduces the time it takes to access full texts of research papers and the frustration associated with hitting a paywall on the publisher’s site.

The tool is available as Browser extension


Open Access Button

Open Access Button helps you finding available research articles

Give via their borwser extension a scholarly paper and they will search thousands of sources with millions of articles to link you to free, legal, full text articles instantly.


Unpaywall is a open database of 20 million free scholarly articles.
Open Access content from over 50,000 publishers and repositories is harvested, and made easy to find, track, and use via its web integrated extension.



Paperity is the first multidisciplinary aggregator of Open Access journals and papers, “gold” and “hybrid”.

This service gives readers easy and unconstrained access to thousands of journals from hundreds of disciplines, in one central location.



OpenDOAR (Directory of Open Access Repositories) is an authoritative directory of academic OA repositories developed by SHERPA (Securing a Hybrid Environment for Research Preservation and Access). This service provides a search for institutional and subject-based repositories contents, as well as archives set up by funding agencies like the National Institutes for Health in the USA or the Wellcome Trust in the UK and Europe. This service is useful to users wishing to find original research papers.


Base is an online directory that provides access to 90000 OA references harvested from 4000 different sources included repository , e-journal and data bases.


Dissemin is a free service to help researchers verify that their publications are freely accessible to their readers. This service identifies your  papers that can be obtained only with paid subscription, and you can post them online with a few clicks on Zenodo , an innovative deposit supported by the EU (see our FBM/CHUV community on Zenodo).



The Registry of Open Access Repository Mandates and Policies (ROARMAP) is a searchable international registry charting the growth of open access mandates and policies adopted by universities, research institutions and research funders that require or request their researchers to provide open access to their peer-reviewed research article output by depositing it in an open access repository.

Author’s responsibilities and guidelines

« Plagiarism, counterfeiting and faking documents or results are actions which are unanimously considered a serious misconduct, punishable by the UNIL, which can even lead to penal proceedings. Compliance with the following guidelines are requested for UNIL and CHUV researchers ».

Unless otherwise stated, all materials created by the BiUM are licensed under a Creative Commons License (CC BY NC ND  Lebrand C.- BiUM library-2016) unless otherwise noted.

Updated: 14.01.2025